11/22/12: The Little Room

There's this little room, a staircase really, leading from the kitchen to the basement. I had it in my head to put up some pegboard and turn it into extra kitchen storage. Easy, right? Here's the before:

Notice prime pegboard wall space on the left.

I had picked out a nice light green for the room. After priming and painting two coats of green, the walls bore a strong resemblance to neon barf. See for yourself, below. So, after agonizing about whether to go through the trouble of redoing it, I buckled down and got a can of white and started painting it all over again, for a grand total of five coats of paint (primer, two coats of barf, and two of white). The picture below shows the white going over the neon barf in one of the top corners:

 Right, so on to the pegboard. Scored some big sheets of new, khaki colored pegboard at our local used construction supply store for only $7/piece. But it turns out pegboard is fairly hard to cut with a circular saw, as we found out when we shredded and frayed the edges of our two nice pieces of pegboard. Just for fun, we took the hand saw to it, and, surprisingly, that worked great. So, off to construction supply for two more sheets of pegboard. And score one for the old-fashioned hand saw!

Using some 1x2's, we constructed a frame to set the pegboard away from the wall. Frame was then mounted to studs:

Who's that guy?

And finally, up went the pegboard, and all the pots and pans:

Gosh, Little Room, you were the smallest, but surely the fussiest.

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